Personal Projects
House Price Predictor
A Machine learning program that classifies a house’s price
House Classifier is my first full scale machine learning project. It felt like I was drinking from a firehose when coding this but I learned so much! Some of the key things I learned about were:
- Linear Regression, Support Vector Machines
- Fine Tuning Models
- Building infastructure for Machine Learning Code
- The importance of having a balanced test-set
Libraries used
- pandas
- numpy
- sklearn
- matplotlib
Plant Doctor
A full stack IoT app made with ❤
Plant Doctor is a Website I created in order to monitor the moisture of my plant. The idea came to me when, for the third day in a row, I had forgotten to water my plant!
I am creating a web site where you can monitor the health of any plant!
- never forget to water your plant (or remember that it doesnt need any more water)
- the application will be configurable to report on more than one plant, if needed
Technologies used
- react.js
- node.js & express
- python - for data collection and sqlite
- docker
- sqlite
Hardware Used
- Rasberry Pi 4 - collects data and is my server
- Grove Sensor & Hat
- a plant that likes water ( pretty much any plant … ah maybe not a cactus tho..)